Monday, April 23, 2012

Ren Tin Tin

 Born to a world of comedic cartoons and interesting relationships. Ren and Stimpy was the first cartoon I could never put my finger on. One of the funniest shows I've ever seen, but as a child I can remember scratching my head at the character personalities. Is this cartoon a little off or is it just me? Needless to say it was my very source of entertainment on Nickelodeon and my occasionally sneaks to MTV. 

Present day I am most interested in this cartoon, reaching out to my root cartoon, where the phrase, "No Sir, I don't like it." coming from a big gray sophisticated horse was my favorite line to date. As I'm watching Ren and Stimpy subliminal messages are slapping me in the face. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" is all I'm screaming throughout the whole show. Than I get a glimpse of the adult program, who would have thunk?! I knew Ren and Stimpy were to good to be true for children. 

Incredible how we miss things like this when we're children, yet parents are so worried about these kinds of programs. Guess What? They don't know any better, My brother and I didn't! As I let my daughter watch Spongebob SquarePants, in which some parents have this personal vendetta against anything that isn't singing a gay friendly do-woop. I watch her closely and see me when I was young. She's not translating words into bad language, looking at Spongebob and Patrick as if they are a couple. She is simply absorbing a silly friendship with misfit adventures, and for her it's just funny entertainment just like it was for me in my day. My Ren and Stimpy is her Spongebob SqaurePants....Although I have to admit Ren and Stimpy is by far worst than Spongebob, hence why parent's shouldn't trip.

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